Now do you SEE, UNDERSTAND, BELIEVE what I have been telling you?
In the 1980s, the State FALLACIOUSLY targeted and labeled our church ministry as illegal, shut down our building and threatened our families, IN THE NAME OF HEALTH AND SAFETY. Eventually the building (from which we were removed) became a Mosque.
We have warned people for over 34 years. Some folks have deceptively said I was preaching "issues" rather than Jesus. Other folks thought I was being "alarmist." I have lost friends and family because they love this evil world more than they love God or they believe the lies of Satan more than they believe the word of God.
Christians actually are more concerned about "health and safety" than anyone, but God haters will use that argument as a smokescreen to cover their evil agenda against Christ, His word and His people.
It is a good idea to let the State make Christian ministry illegal (NOT), because then there is room for religious diversity. In the 1980s our church met in this building and provided FREE CHRISTIAN EDUCATION to the community. But of course, for every student enrolled in a private school (Christian or otherwise) the Public School loses thousands of dollars. As a result our church came under State oppression (attack). After our Christian ministry was gone, the building was occupied by an Islamic Mosque, and Unitarians (which often move into building facilities left by Christians). So, if you don't want a Bible preaching church near you, don't worry, there will be some group to step in and receive the blessing of the State as they lead your children away from Jesus Christ and Bible faith.
Greensboro Daily Photo
This is a comment I had added to this post.
(I am deliberately leaving out names). The Governor wanted to help but could not because of the way the State law was written. He did as much as he could do at the time (he was a Republican) and I appreciated him.
But you are right, we were refused help by four of the MOST influential Evangelical leaders in the nation (who actually stood with the false Christ, Sun Myung Moon), and a host of other pastors in our own area, as well as being abandoned by some of the leading, most well known "Christian" congressmen in the nation, along with the most famous Christian lawyer who defends against State oppression in the nation today (probably the world) and other Christian law offices across the country.
It isn't that our cause was unjust, but rather that it was too controversial and as I was told, "not winnable." At the very time we were being targeted by the State, there were other church groups in our vicinity, which were in violation of the SAME State codes, but they were not even approached by the State. In fact, County Officials, told us on TV news that some of the violations they were using to shut us down were not even applicable to our ministry, but they knew we were going to grow numerically. Even with this information, NO ONE STOOD WITH US.
This was in the mid 1980s. I preached and taught, and stood with other oppressed ministries. I addressed the very plague of sin that carpets our nation today. I was abandoned by friends, parishioners and family for doing and saying what had always been the norm in Christian ministry. But when oppression came, the fair weather sailors jumped ship.
The very truths I preached against have become the abominations that are flooding our nation today. FOLKS SHOULD HAVE LISTENED rather than run away. I want our nation to turn, but I think we have crossed the point of no return.
I am sorry that our nation (and our world) is rushing headlong to hell. But, it is not a shock for those who believe the Bible. However, the path we have traveled has prepared us to live in a Babylonian, Laodicean world. It takes more than yesterday's commitment to be faithful today. It takes more than the light from yesterday's saints to penetrate today's darkness. We either walk in God's light as we follow or we fall into darkness for not following. We better walk in today's light, in preparation for tomorrow's battles.
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