Wednesday, March 25, 2020



Don't let the devil into your church through your music ministry.

Don't use music from cultic or new agey "churches," and groups.

The real danger is the connection the songs have to false prophets and doctrines of demons. I have read lots of books with agendas against music styles that the writers did not like.

That is too subjective for me. I choose to judge the songs by what they say and who writes them, since that is the Biblically objective approach.

I like many styles but i abhore false doctrine and movements that are enemies of the cross.

In fact, there are great Christian songs with beautiful music, but without the words (whether they are song, read or remembered), then there is no actual, spiritual edification. The music has no message, aside from the words attached to that music and regardless of how "inspiring" the music sounds, it is without meaning. It is the words, not the beat, the timing (except possibly in extreme cases), which raises the greatest danger.

It is also possible for well meaning people to make certain music styles an idol or to become proud of their favorite style of music. The devil wants to turn our attention to things that are of a minor importance. Music does move us emotionally. Sometimes it draws us into a meditative state, at other times it stirs us to action. Music does effect us, but the major problem with music is found in the message, the intention of the writers and or performers.

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