Tuesday, June 30, 2020

06/25/20 LEARN AND LIVE. (From 6 years ago)

06/25/20 LEARN AND LIVE.
(From 6 years ago)


Here are four problems that arise when people, who know less Bible, who know less doctrinal truth, who are less spiritually mature, who are arrogant and who are self willed do not submit to the wise and Biblical counsel and teaching of seasoned and godly leaders.

1. They do not learn sound doctrine, because their pride closes their hearts and minds.
2. They either do not experience the sanctifying fullness of the Holy Spirit or they do not continue to grow in the graces of holiness, because they lack humility and submission to both divine and human authority.
3. They do not learn how to live by Christian principles in the real world, because they are unteachable and reject "old school" or "old paths" understanding
4. They do not enjoy the relationship of oneness with body members, because they are self sufficient and would rather be honored than to honor others.

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