Tuesday, June 30, 2020




Masks with evangelistic messages.
I would make them if I could, but I can't.
How about you?

There are so many good, positive, gospel messages and images that could be used.

I would look for excuses to get out in the public, just to wear the mask. It would not make any difference whether it protects or not, and I would not be promoting the State or the mask. It is State authorized evangelism. hehehe. Just think how cool it would be when someone would tell you to take it off and you could say, "the Governor told me to wear it."

I bet I would get kicked out of stores because of the message on the mask and because of the conversations started because of the mask.

When I would finish witnessing, and I would walk into the sunset, people would say, "Who was that masked man?" Okay, I agree, they would probably know who I was. Public recognition has not been a problem for me.

I figured there must be some somewhere, but I had not seen or heard of any.

Sadly, too many folks have been focused on the devils agenda to think about proclaiming Christ. Christians have been cannibalizing other Christians over issues that cannot be proved and issues that don't really bring folks to Jesus. As pastor and preacher, I have been trying to get folks to understand the events of the day in the light of Scripture, which should result in faithful, loving witnessing and relationships.

Sadly, I can imagine people wearing Christian messages on their masks and ending up in a discussion concerning Soros, the Illuminati, Gates, medical procedures, taxes, Black, Blue and even pokey dots, while souls are dropping into a devil's hell without Jesus.

In fact, I would have loved to had nice masks made for TNH Ministry, as a way to reach out. Think about the great the church in Carteret County would have if only 1/10 of the true believers in our area went into the community with Evange-Masks on. People would be talking about our presence and hopefully our message.

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