Quit complaining about God's plan and parental responsibility to love, nurture, train, discipline and protect your own children.
(Responding to someone who called the PS a Safe Zone for children who come from abusive homes.)
Two totally different subjects.
Parental abuse is not an excuse for the parental neglect and failure to properly raise children, nor a reason to rob parents of the right and obligation to fulfill their God given responsibilities.
Those same children are being abused at PS and at home. In fact, this argument is a Liberals excuse to take children out of their homes, including (and especially) Christian homes. Don't fall into that trap.
I would venture to say that there is greater danger and more lasting abuse in State schools than at home. Remember, there are ways to intervene and stop violent, physical, parental abuse, but there is no help for children in the Public Schools.
Untold numbers of children have been led away from God, the Bible, Salvation, family values, morality, social civility and sound government through Public Education's religion of Secular Humanism, than in the home. Public School is not a "safe place" for children.
I want to address two points.
don't disagree concerning the dangers you mention. I am aware of the
problems. I am saying that we err when we think that the PS is actually a
haven for children. We live in a fallen world but turning our children
over to the State is not the answer. We
are all going to have casualties in the war with darkness. But turning
our children over to the State is simply another way to abandon and
abuse them. The PS is not a hospital that helps the sick or a safe place
that protects the children. We do not stem the tide of failed families
by giving our children to a wicked system.
There are
good people who work in PS. But we are fooled if we think they can do
the job that parents ARE SUPPOSED TO DO. And we are doubly fooled if we
think they can do the job they want to do. Well meaning teachers are
limited by law and their paycheck. Besides, PS is not simply about a
good teacher, it is about an entire system of anti-Bible beliefs,
practices and agenda. The PS destruction of children (and family) begins
from the time students get on the school bus (or earlier) and continues
for most of the day, even to their final waken moments. It includes
curriculum, the teaching of Humanism, the destroying of faith, family
and moral values.
Until we see that the PS has done
more to destroy our country, our communities, our morals, our families
and our faith communities we will be duped into believing that it is a
safe place for our children and young people.
it was the failure of the faith community to stand up for God, His word,
His church, the family, the children, life and liberty. We are swamped
with a flood of destruction because Christians did not engage the
enemies of God and stand for truth. The way out of this mess is not to
keep surrendering ground to the enemy, but to stand firm, follow Jesus
and keep on keeping on.
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