Wednesday, November 4, 2020



Do not put your faith in the Ballot.
Do not put your faith in the Bullet.
Put your faith in the BIBLE (the word of God).

Don't depend on any POTUS, even Trump because all mortals fail.
Depend on JESUS He never fails, He is the same yesterday, today and forever. His Kingdom is without end.
He is the Way, the Truth and the Life.
He outlives, overpowers, outranks, overcomes all of His enemies, and His victory is assured and forever.

Jesus reigns in the hearts of His believers now.
He will keep us, even in the heat of the battle and will lead us to eternal victory.
Jesus will be crowned as King of kings and Lord of Lords.
Every knee will bow and every tongue will confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God.

Jesus wins by delivering folks from sin by His death and resurrection.
We are His soldiers, fighting the good fight of FAITH.
We fight not against flesh and blood, but spiritual powers.
We fight not with guns, swords and bombs.
We fight with faith, truth, love, the word of God, the Light of salvation, the Will of God, the Blood of the Lamb, the Power of the Holy Spirit.
We do not shed the blood of our enemies, but we spill our own blood in sacrifice to deliver the soldiers of darkness and the hostages of of darkness from penalty, pollution, power of sin.

Holiness, Love, Truth, Light, are the battle cries of Christians.

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