Friday, September 11, 2020



Don't be taken in by the CONDITION vs. POSITION or the STANDING vs. STATE arguments.

They are not Biblical.

These are terms often used by Calvinists and Reformed theology, addressing the supposed difference in RELATIONSHIP and FELLOWSHIP of Christians with God.

We know that sin separates us from God and God separates us from sin in this present life.
Sinning religion does not believe that sin separates from God or that God separates believers from sin in this present life.

We believe that we are saved by faith and we live by faith.
Sinning religion believes that the supposed elect are saved by a unilateral, unconditional Divine election, in which they have no choice or responsibility.

We believe that we have salvation only as long as we have faith in Christ.
Sinning religion believes that sin does not cause the supposed elect to lose their saved RELATIONSHIP with God.

We believe that faith in Jesus Christ delivers us from sin's penalty, pollution and power, here and now.
Sinning religion does not believe that faith in Jesus Christ delivers the supposed elect from sin's pollution and power here and now.

We believe that sin not only ends our FELLOWSHIP with God, but our RELATIONSHIP with God.
Sinning religion believes that sin hinders or interrupts a "sinning believer's" FELLOWSHIP with God but does not end a "sinning believer's" RELATIONSHIP with God.

We believe that salvation depends on walking in the light.
Sinning religion does not believe that salvation depends on a believer walking in the light.

THEREFORE, sinning religion invented the idea that Christians have both a CONDITION and a POSITION, or a STATE and a STANDING.

CONDITION or STATE refers to a "believer's" spiritual life as they are experiencing it.
POSITION OR STANDING refers to a "believer's" spiritual life, as God "views it through Christ."

CONDITION and STATE refer to the experiential status or FELLOWSHIP that believers have with God. In other words, as long as the "believer" is walking in faith and obedience, then there is victory and a close FELLOWSHIP between God and the "believer."

However, since sinning religion teaches that nothing (including sin) can separate a "believer" from God, they teach that the "sinning believer" is still saved (in a right RELATIONSHIP with God). This is what they would call our POSITION or STANDING with God.

According to this false system, sin separates us from FELLOWSHIP with God (our CONDITION or STATE), but nothing can separate us from a right RELATIONSHIP with God.

Sinning religion would say that the sinning "believer" should repent and confess in order to restore the FELLOWSHIP, but it has nothing to do with the eternal RELATIONSHIP with God.

Bible believers know that sin does separate from God and that our RELATIONSHIP with God is based on our FELLOWSHIP with God.

God is not blind to sin and He does not justify sinners unless they confess their sins and repent of their sins.

We believe that a person who has sin in his life must confess his sins if he wants to continue in faith and salvation and FELLOWSHIP and a right RELATIONSHIP with God.

According to this false doctrine sin can interrupt our FELLOWSHIP with God, but it does not have anything to do with our RELATIONSHIP to God.

1 John 1:6-7
6 If we say that we have fellowship with him, and walk in darkness, we lie, and do not the truth:
7 But if we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship one with another, and the blood of Jesus Christ his Son cleanseth us from all sin.

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