Friday, August 21, 2020

08/21/20 DLG FB NOTE... GRACE, NOT RACE 06/11/09

08/21/20 DLG FB NOTE...
GRACE, NOT RACE 06/11/09


WE ARE CONSTANTLY REMINDED about the low life, white scumdrels (a mix of scum and scoundrel) who transported, sold, bought, abused and killed African slaves.

WE HARDLY EVER HEAR about the Africans who first captured, enslaved, violated and sold other Africans into slavery (the ones they didn't keep or kill).

WE NEVER HEAR about the white Christians on both sides of the Atlantic who destroyed the slave trade.

Likewise, we do not hear anything about the numberless whites who have kept black slavery from rising up again. There is still racial bigotry, in all colors. There are still wicked men. But the slave trade was ended by white men and it has been kept at bay by white men.

I am not asking for the African descendants to thank anyone, I am just tired of so many of them blaming all of us. We better hope the white man is never enslaved, because I don't know that there are enough righteous men of color who would want to free us.

White supremacists and black bigots are focused on RACE, when they should be focusing on GRACE. Jesus is the answer to the anger and simmering racial violence in our society. The devil has always stirred hatred between men and he has been especially successful with racial hatred. The "hate whitey" groups are stepping into the black community where there should have been the message of love through Christ. In fact, the message of love and humility is often attacked as though it was "whitey's" secret weapon to control the black community.

Love, mercy and meekness are part of God's message for everyone.

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