Wednesday, August 26, 2020



The three most influential powers in Public Education come from the National Education Association (NEA), the philosopher John Dewey and the United States Department of Education (DoEd).

The NEA began in 1857 as the National Teachers Association, becoming the National Education Association in 1870.
John Dewey lived from 1859-1952.
The US Department of Education only began in 1979, under President Jimmy Carter.

John Dewey, The Father of Modern Education, was a Philosopher, Psychologist and Pragmatist. America's Public Education system is based on and guided by Dewey's teachings.

The groundwork and superstructure of Dewey's Secular Humanism, Socialism, Atheism, Darwinian Evolution, Freudian Psychology, Relativism, Positivism and Dialectical Materialism had already formed American Public Education by the time President Lyndon Johnson started funding American education with federal dollars, through the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965.

Dewey's philosophy of SECULAR (excluding religion from society) HUMANISM (man is central) has shaped and guided the stated and intended goal of Public Education in America.

After working in China, Turkey and Russia, and being influenced by Marx, Lenin and Stalin, Dewey viewed pupils as "WARDS OF THE STATE" (Public Educations present view) and promoted "THE COLLECTIVE MENTALITY" (Public Education's progressive/communistic agenda).

Dewey was a prime contributor to the HUMANIST MANIFESTO (replacing God with Man) and subscriber to RELATIVISM (denial of Biblical absolutes) and POSITIVISM (substituting faith and spiritual realities with materialism).

Dewey was largely responsible for the success of DARWINIAN EVOLUTION in the Public Schools. The NEA is following Dewey's stated purposes to this day, and intend to finish its course.

The National Education Association (NEA), America's largest professional organization and largest union, promotes and maintains Public Education, which is built on Dewey's philosophy. Since its beginnings in 1857, the NEA has successfully hijacked the education of America's children. The NEA's anti-Christian and anti-American agenda is not localized or obscure, but systemic and growing in power and influence.

The NEA claims to be, "The guardians of the hopes, dreams, and aspirations of this nation" (Reg Weaver-President NEA). Of course, it is at odds with the hopes, dreams and aspirations of this nation. It has endorsed and financially supported every Democratic Presidential candidate from Carter to Obama. Ninety percent of NEA political contributions have gone to the Democratic Party. The NEA has promoted policies, programs and practices that are part of the national fears, nightmares and heartbreaks of this nation.

The NEA has promoted homosexuality, abortion, feminism, socialism, multi-nationalism, extramarital sex education (offered to lower elementary pupils), rewriting history (down playing the Christian influence on our nations laws, government, and celebrations i.e. Thanksgiving, Christmas and Resurrection of Christ), emphasizing and focusing on America's shortcomings while down playing Japan's and Germany's aggressive part in WW2 and distancing Islam from 9/11.
The NEA has been the change agent in moral values, undermining the American family and Judeo/Christian principles.
The dumbing down of American students has been on the climb in these last several decades because the NEA has changed its focus from academics to social preparedness. 

The NEA has led America's children in Radical departures from Capitalism, Judeo/Christian Morals, Family Values (family unit built on father and mother home life).
In its first 100 years (1857-1957) the NEA grew to a membership of 700,000 and now boasts over 3 million members. Undoubtedly the support given by Johnson in 1965 and Carter in 1979 has contributed to the growth of the union.

At the beginning of America's Cultural Revolution, President Lyndon B. Johnson, a Democrat from Texas and a former teacher, began federal financial support for education through the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESCA) in 1965. This opened the door to federal intrusion into local schools. It also paved the way for another raving progressive (leftist liberal) President Jimmy Carter to create the United States Department of Education in 1979. The marriage between socialism, humanism, liberalism and academia spelled the end of local control in education.

Through a planned and concerted effort, the control of local schools was taken from the local community and given to the "progressives" in the NEA and the DoEd. Over the last 120 years public schooling has shifted from family, church and local community to the impersonal hands of a anti-Christian, anti-American movement, guided by and powered by the humanistic agenda of John Dewey and the NEA. As our government moves further from God and His word the death grip of Secular Humanism tightens around the public school children. The idea of local control is a ruse that pacifies the masses.

John Dewey, the National Education Association and the Department of Education have hijacked the Public Schools. Dewey and the NEA Planned Their Work and have Worked Their Plan and Their Plan Has Worked.

The answer to this is an All Out Assault by the men and women of God.
The answer is not sending our children to fight back with spit balls and pea shooters.
God has not told us to send our children, He has told us to train our children.
God has not told us to hide behind our children, He has told us to protect our children.
God has not commanded us to save a pagan system, He has commanded us to reach the lost and lead them OUT OF THE DARKNESS OF A SATANIC STORM.
Come out from them and be separate says the Lord.

PLEASE NOTE... My attack is not on the well meaning people who have served in the Public School system or the parents or children who have been involved in the Public School system. I am simply pointing out that the Public School system has become a major tool in undermining the people of God.

I am trying to point out that our children are unnecessarily endangered by being sent to the Public Schools.

I am going to examine various aspects of this problem and offer a radical, but reasonable response to this problem.

I encourage you to consider my arguments, as I present them. If you have questions, please ask.

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