Thursday, August 27, 2020



(I wrote this as an evangelistically active pastor in Myrtle Beach, but the principles are applicable in other places and at other times.)

The following observations come from 5 years of experience of aggressive witnessing and deliberate street ministry in Myrtle Beach, South Carolina (along with 36 years of ministry), and conversing with other people who interact regularly with foreign workers, either as fellow workers, customers, employers or fellow students. This article addresses the status of most, not all, foreign workers. Note also, I am not favoring or condemning nations, but addressing the failure of the Church to Reach this part of The Beach for Jesus.

Myrtle Beach has about 12 million+ tourist a year. South Carolina population is about 4 million+ and Myrtle Beach population is more than 22,000 (Grand Strand metro population is less than 300,000). Local businesses bring in a large workforce from other countries, especially eastern Europe. For the most part, these workers cannot communicate in English, they have little cultural understanding/appreciation for Americans, they are often poor workers and many of them hold the USA in contempt, like most of the world does. Usually when they are engaged in conversation they don't want to tell who they are or where they are from. They are usually rude, even when they are approached in kindness and gentleness. Most of the time these folks respond negatively to simple questions, like, “where are you from” as if they are being interrogated by the KGB. Somebody must be making a ton of money off of this arrangement, because it is mostly a losing proposition and bad for the tourist industry.

As in everything else, I try to see the spiritual opportunities available.

Many of these people come from places that do not even have a Biblical witness for Christ, and they come to a very carnally and sin oriented community (the beach), in a very hedonistic and anti-Christian society and culture (pagan, pluralistic, “progressive” America). They live with, work with and party with people who are deliberately antagonistic to the message and life of Christ. Remember, Europe has been anti-Christian for decades and the US is becoming more hostile toward Christianity. These exchange workers actually are exposed to, and learn new levels of wickedness while in so-called “Christian America.” They end up with a skewed view of Christianity.

After 5 months in Myrtle Beach they return to a part of the world that will fall prey to the coming world ruler known as the Beast/Anti-Christ in the Bible. They are returning to countries that will be central to the One World Government, One World Economy and One World Religion, which will be anti-Semitic and anti-Christ. The only good thing they take back to their lost part of the world is US dollars. While there are a few believers trying to reach this transient group of the Christ-less masses, most of the so-called Church and the professing believers in Myrtle Beach either ignore or resent them, I SAY THIS TO THE SHAME OF THE CHURCH IN MYRTLE BEACH.

1 Corinthians 15:34
34 Awake to righteousness, and sin not; for some have not the knowledge of God: I speak this to your shame.

A young woman recently served me and brother Wade at a local breakfast bar. It was strange, when I engaged her in conversation she actually volunteered her name and said she was from Moldova. Of course I offered her and her friends the ministry of our church and told her that my wife and I would be glad to transport her to and from church/Bible studies/activities, if she was interested. I gave her my phone number. She should be encountering Christians doing this every day. The church in Myrtle Beach should be on constant patrol, seeking the lost and rescuing the perishing.

The church in Myrtle Beach should be actively evangelizing this “people group.” I say the church, because there should be a concerted effort by local congregations to witness, invite, incorporate, convert and disciple short term exchange workers/students. Obviously there needs to be individual believers with a vision and desire to reach this people group, but God is not calling us to be Lone Ranger Christians. He has given us local churches and expects us to work with our local congregation, bringing people into a fellowship with other believers. While God sends us into the streets and market places of life, He does not want us to give birth in the streets to new believers, then leave them on the streets. The local church ministry is God's family, God's school, God's plan to win, build up and unify believers.

There should be a definite outreach to specific people groups; Russians (which have sub groups as well), Poles, Ukrainians, Bulgarians, Romanians as well as to those who come here from Islamic nations and Hispanic cultures.

There should be planned outreach as well as personal outreach. There should be recreational time, Bible time, hang time, fellowship time dedicated to this outreach. There should be transportation, welcoming and follow up programs. There should be English classes provided. There should be communications through wireless (phone, computer) programs.

When these people return to their homes overseas, they should take with them a very positive and Christian experience that they will pass on to other people. We should expect new churches to spring up around the world, because of the ministry that takes place in Myrtle Beach.

I realize that we all have different gifts, talents, abilities, but we all have the same job; PUBLISH THE GOOD NEWS TO ALL MEN AND DISCIPLE THE NATIONS. Individuals cannot do it alone, but churches cannot do it without individuals who are committed to doing it.

When I was a young person I went everywhere doing everything. My life was a constant and exciting adventure. Trust me, age does matter; either because it limits your audience or because bad health limits your abilities. I do what I can, but what we need is an army of young men and women who will spend their time, energy and lives trying to Reach the Beach for Jesus. It would not hurt to get some of the money from those who are not able to do the actual work. But some people think God gave them their money for houses, cars, boats or to be given to their children to be spent on stuff that rots, rusts and gets robbed.

If Americans had not been anymore dedicated to charging the beaches of Normandy and Iwo Jima than we are in Reaching the Beach for Jesus, we would all be worshiping the Emperor or gassing Jews. But of course, who cares if we reach young people from around the world, so long as my life is comfortable. Isn't that what God really wants?

Listen, God is sending the world to America to find Jesus and America is just looking for a better deal on an HD TV. God is sending the world to U.S. to find Jesus, and we are just forwarding them to hell.

Archimedes is reputed to have said he could move the earth if he had a lever long enough and a place to stand. I say, if I have a spiritual lever of on-fire believers in Myrtle Beach we can move the earth also.

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