I have a firm belief that God has clearly communicated many of the events that will take place concerning the second coming of Christ. I hope this is helpful to those who want to know what the Bible says concerning the end times. This is not a Bible study, just a simple overview of what the Bible reveals about the end times (eschatology). This is not an in depth statement.
Those who already know what you believe (if you are going to want to argue);
Those who don't know what you believe and don't think you can know or don't want to know;
Those who don't think the Bible reveals what is going to happen;
Those who don't think anyone can understand what the Bible does say is going to happen;
Those who don't think I know what I am talking about;
Those who don't care what I am talking about;
Those who think end times is not important;
Those who think eschatology divides the body of Christ, rather than unifies the body of Christ.
There are probably others who should not read this either. If you are one of these people you will just get upset with me or laugh at me or feel sorry for me. The fact is, I have enough people doing those things already. If you don't read this, you won't feel compelled to refute it or challenge me; and to tell you the truth, I am not interested in arguing with you either and I really don't care what you think about me or my beliefs.
If you have an honest question, please let me know. If you want to tell me where I am wrong or argue with me, forget it.
Briefly stated, I believe in a literal Second Coming; Rapture; Resurrections of the Righteous and Unrighteous; Tribulation; Restoration of Israel; Return of Christ to the Earth and a 1000 year Reign of Christ over the Earth, from Jerusalem; Believers will reign with Christ; Judgment of the Nations; Judgment Seat of Christ; Satan bound for 1000 years; Satan loosed for short time; Great White Throne Judgment of all the Unrighteous; Final Conflagration; New Heaven, New Earth and New Jerusalem.
When a Christian dies, his spirit goes immediately to be with Christ (awaiting the Rapture and His Return) and the spirit of the unsaved goes to hell (awaiting their final judgment).
Christ, Who is presently sitting in His resurrected body, is at the right hand of the Father in heaven, and is going to come to earth again, as a Judge and King, not as a Sacrifice for sin.
The Second Coming of Christ takes place in two main phases; 1- The Rapture (secretly), 2- The Return (visibly).
There are Two Resurrections;
1- The First Resurrection is the resurrection of the saved and
2- The Second Resurrection is the resurrection of the unsaved.
There are Three phases to the First Resurrection;
1- The First Fruits (Christ and those raised from the dead in Jerusalem at time of His resurrection),
2- The Harvest (the resurrection of those who have died with a faith in Christ),
3- The Gleanings (the resurrection of believers after the Tribulation).
The Rapture has Two parts;
1- Raising of the bodies of believers who have died (First Resurrection, Harvest), which will be rejoined with their spirits (already with the Lord).
2- Transforming the bodies of Christians who are alive at the time of the rapture; they will be changed, in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye.
The Rapture will be the secret snatching away of believers, to join the Lord in the air.
The only ones who will be raptured are those who have a living and active faith in Christ;
Those who are as a chaste virgin;
Those those who are without spot or wrinkle or any such thing;
Those who are holy and without blame;
Those who are unblamable and unreprovable;
Those whose whole body soul and spirit are preserved blameless;
Those who follow peace with all men and holiness, without which no man shall see the Lord;
Those who are perfect before Christ;
Those who are pure, even as Christ is pure;
Those who have been kept from falling and are faultless.
(There is not a double standard for Christians; holiness and purity is the standard for all Christians).
The Church will cease to exist on earth after the Rapture, but there will still be an elect people.
Though the Holy Spirit will not be active on earth in the same way that He was during the Church Age, He will be active, in a similar way to His Old Testament activity.
Not all children will be taken in the Rapture; only the young children of believing parent(s). All other children will still be here, as were the children of the unsaved during the times of Noah and Lot. God's wrath on the earth does not preclude the redemption of children who die at that time.
Those who heard and rejected the gospel before the Tribulation will not get saved during the Tribulation.
The book of Revelation has imagery, but it is to be understood literally, unless there is internal evidence to the contrary.
There will be at least a Seven Year Period of Judgment on the earth (the Tribulation), subsequent to the rapture of the saints (holy ones).
The Tribulation, the period of God's judgment and wrath, is divided into two parts, the Tribulation and the Great Tribulation (the last 3 ½ years) as is described in the book of Revelation (Seal Judgments, Trumpet Judgments and Bowl Judgments).
There will be people who are saved during the Tribulation;
The Two Witnesses (possibly after rapture);
The 144,000 Jewish men who proclaim the gospel of the kingdom (possibly after the rapture);
The vast majority of the nation of Israel;
A Great Multitude, which no on can number, from every nation, tribe and tongue.
A One World Government, One World Economy and a One World Religion will arise during the first half of the Tribulation. European nations will arise as the pre-eminent political/financial/military power in the world, and a surfacing of the world's most powerful leader (the Anti-Christ or the Beast) and there will arise a Religious Leader (another Beast), who will serve the cause of the Anti-Christ.
The unholy threesome of the end times is Satan, The Beast (Anti-Christ) and the Other Beast (False Prophet).
Israel will enter into a seven year treaty with this revived Roman Empire, but will see the error of its way after 3 ½ years and break its covenant with the Beast, when the Beast enters and defiles the newly built Jewish Temple.
Israel will return go God by trusting Jesus as Messiah.
The Beast will seek to destroy Israel, finally, but God will deliver Israel miraculously.
Those whose names are found in the Lamb's Book of Life will be delivered from the Great White Throne Judgment, since Christ took away their judgment on Calvary.
The spirits of all those who have died in their sins will remain in hell, until the Great White Throne Judgment, when every sinner throughout history will stand before the judgment bar of God and will held accountable for every sin they ever committed (every thought, word and deed). There will be a series of books with all of the information and evidence. After every sinner is judged and sentenced, they will be cast into the Lake of Fire and tormented forever.
There will be a New Heaven, New Earth and New Jerusalem, which will be the eternal domain of God's people.
I believe what the Bible says about end times.
I readily admit my understanding is limited.
I find great comfort and instruction in what I do understand.
I am not ashamed that I know and understand these truths.
I am learning from God's word, and watching, as it comes to fulfillment.
There is a popular movement that wants to diminish the value of eschatology.
Once we deny Biblical revelation of End Times events (which is such an important and integral part of Divine revelation), it is easier to dismiss other parts of God's word.
Remember, if it wasn't important, God would not have been so persistent and thorough in declaring these thing.
I refuse to let the ignorance, disbelief and skepticism of men turn me against the study and knowledge of end times truth.
Do not read into Scripture what is not there.
Do not base your salvation on your eschatology, but let your eschatology enhance your salvation.
It is all right to not know everything about the Second Coming, in fact, it is not all right to claim we do know everything about the Second Coming.
It is all right to say we don't know or understand parts of Biblical eschatology, but it is not all right to ignore it or dismiss it just because it is difficult, strange or controversial.
Never be turned off of eschatology by those who admit they don't understand it claim that it cannot be understood or those who say it is not important.
It is important, it is revelation, it is inspired, it is comforting, it is encouraging and it is instructional.
I have a firm belief that God has clearly communicated many of the events that will take place concerning the second coming of Christ. I hope this is helpful to those who want to know what the Bible says concerning the end times. This is not a Bible study, just a simple overview of what the Bible reveals about the end times (eschatology). This is not an in depth statement.
Those who already know what you believe (if you are going to want to argue);
Those who don't know what you believe and don't think you can know or don't want to know;
Those who don't think the Bible reveals what is going to happen;
Those who don't think anyone can understand what the Bible does say is going to happen;
Those who don't think I know what I am talking about;
Those who don't care what I am talking about;
Those who think end times is not important;
Those who think eschatology divides the body of Christ, rather than unifies the body of Christ.
There are probably others who should not read this either. If you are one of these people you will just get upset with me or laugh at me or feel sorry for me. The fact is, I have enough people doing those things already. If you don't read this, you won't feel compelled to refute it or challenge me; and to tell you the truth, I am not interested in arguing with you either and I really don't care what you think about me or my beliefs.
If you have an honest question, please let me know. If you want to tell me where I am wrong or argue with me, forget it.
Briefly stated, I believe in a literal Second Coming; Rapture; Resurrections of the Righteous and Unrighteous; Tribulation; Restoration of Israel; Return of Christ to the Earth and a 1000 year Reign of Christ over the Earth, from Jerusalem; Believers will reign with Christ; Judgment of the Nations; Judgment Seat of Christ; Satan bound for 1000 years; Satan loosed for short time; Great White Throne Judgment of all the Unrighteous; Final Conflagration; New Heaven, New Earth and New Jerusalem.
When a Christian dies, his spirit goes immediately to be with Christ (awaiting the Rapture and His Return) and the spirit of the unsaved goes to hell (awaiting their final judgment).
Christ, Who is presently sitting in His resurrected body, is at the right hand of the Father in heaven, and is going to come to earth again, as a Judge and King, not as a Sacrifice for sin.
The Second Coming of Christ takes place in two main phases; 1- The Rapture (secretly), 2- The Return (visibly).
There are Two Resurrections;
1- The First Resurrection is the resurrection of the saved and
2- The Second Resurrection is the resurrection of the unsaved.
There are Three phases to the First Resurrection;
1- The First Fruits (Christ and those raised from the dead in Jerusalem at time of His resurrection),
2- The Harvest (the resurrection of those who have died with a faith in Christ),
3- The Gleanings (the resurrection of believers after the Tribulation).
The Rapture has Two parts;
1- Raising of the bodies of believers who have died (First Resurrection, Harvest), which will be rejoined with their spirits (already with the Lord).
2- Transforming the bodies of Christians who are alive at the time of the rapture; they will be changed, in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye.
The Rapture will be the secret snatching away of believers, to join the Lord in the air.
The only ones who will be raptured are those who have a living and active faith in Christ;
Those who are as a chaste virgin;
Those those who are without spot or wrinkle or any such thing;
Those who are holy and without blame;
Those who are unblamable and unreprovable;
Those whose whole body soul and spirit are preserved blameless;
Those who follow peace with all men and holiness, without which no man shall see the Lord;
Those who are perfect before Christ;
Those who are pure, even as Christ is pure;
Those who have been kept from falling and are faultless.
(There is not a double standard for Christians; holiness and purity is the standard for all Christians).
The Church will cease to exist on earth after the Rapture, but there will still be an elect people.
Though the Holy Spirit will not be active on earth in the same way that He was during the Church Age, He will be active, in a similar way to His Old Testament activity.
Not all children will be taken in the Rapture; only the young children of believing parent(s). All other children will still be here, as were the children of the unsaved during the times of Noah and Lot. God's wrath on the earth does not preclude the redemption of children who die at that time.
Those who heard and rejected the gospel before the Tribulation will not get saved during the Tribulation.
The book of Revelation has imagery, but it is to be understood literally, unless there is internal evidence to the contrary.
There will be at least a Seven Year Period of Judgment on the earth (the Tribulation), subsequent to the rapture of the saints (holy ones).
The Tribulation, the period of God's judgment and wrath, is divided into two parts, the Tribulation and the Great Tribulation (the last 3 ½ years) as is described in the book of Revelation (Seal Judgments, Trumpet Judgments and Bowl Judgments).
There will be people who are saved during the Tribulation;
The Two Witnesses (possibly after rapture);
The 144,000 Jewish men who proclaim the gospel of the kingdom (possibly after the rapture);
The vast majority of the nation of Israel;
A Great Multitude, which no on can number, from every nation, tribe and tongue.
A One World Government, One World Economy and a One World Religion will arise during the first half of the Tribulation. European nations will arise as the pre-eminent political/financial/military power in the world, and a surfacing of the world's most powerful leader (the Anti-Christ or the Beast) and there will arise a Religious Leader (another Beast), who will serve the cause of the Anti-Christ.
The unholy threesome of the end times is Satan, The Beast (Anti-Christ) and the Other Beast (False Prophet).
Israel will enter into a seven year treaty with this revived Roman Empire, but will see the error of its way after 3 ½ years and break its covenant with the Beast, when the Beast enters and defiles the newly built Jewish Temple.
Israel will return go God by trusting Jesus as Messiah.
The Beast will seek to destroy Israel, finally, but God will deliver Israel miraculously.
Those whose names are found in the Lamb's Book of Life will be delivered from the Great White Throne Judgment, since Christ took away their judgment on Calvary.
The spirits of all those who have died in their sins will remain in hell, until the Great White Throne Judgment, when every sinner throughout history will stand before the judgment bar of God and will held accountable for every sin they ever committed (every thought, word and deed). There will be a series of books with all of the information and evidence. After every sinner is judged and sentenced, they will be cast into the Lake of Fire and tormented forever.
There will be a New Heaven, New Earth and New Jerusalem, which will be the eternal domain of God's people.
I believe what the Bible says about end times.
I readily admit my understanding is limited.
I find great comfort and instruction in what I do understand.
I am not ashamed that I know and understand these truths.
I am learning from God's word, and watching, as it comes to fulfillment.
There is a popular movement that wants to diminish the value of eschatology.
Once we deny Biblical revelation of End Times events (which is such an important and integral part of Divine revelation), it is easier to dismiss other parts of God's word.
Remember, if it wasn't important, God would not have been so persistent and thorough in declaring these thing.
I refuse to let the ignorance, disbelief and skepticism of men turn me against the study and knowledge of end times truth.
Do not read into Scripture what is not there.
Do not base your salvation on your eschatology, but let your eschatology enhance your salvation.
It is all right to not know everything about the Second Coming, in fact, it is not all right to claim we do know everything about the Second Coming.
It is all right to say we don't know or understand parts of Biblical eschatology, but it is not all right to ignore it or dismiss it just because it is difficult, strange or controversial.
Never be turned off of eschatology by those who admit they don't understand it claim that it cannot be understood or those who say it is not important.
It is important, it is revelation, it is inspired, it is comforting, it is encouraging and it is instructional.
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