I added a comment to my previous post, which included 2 Corinthians 5:21. I want to repeat that verse and my comment as a post. I hope it is helpful to folks.
A re-post...
2 Corinthians 5:21
21 For he hath made him to be sin (*the sin sacrifice) for us, who knew no sin; that we might be made the righteousness of God in him.
dlg note... The phrase "he made him (to be) sin" is an unfortunate translation, since the same use of the word in the Bible is translated "a sin sacrifice," over 100 times, by the translators. Jesus is the propitiation, satisfaction, appeasement for our sin. Jesus took away our sins and sin as the Sacrifice for sin. He was not punished nor did He pay our penalty. He, as the Sacrificial Lamb of God, atoned for our sins and sin.
I once taught that Jesus actually became our sin, but by studying God's word I came to understand that Jesus could not become filth, rebellion, perversion, which is not simply a repugnant thought, but one that defies the nature and work of Jesus. Jesus did not have to become actual sin in order to deliver us from sin. He became the "sin sacrifice," as the word "sin" is used in the Scriptures. Jesus was the "ransom" (1 Tm. 2:6).
As a ransom, propitiation, satisfaction, sacrifice, atonement, Jesus did not have to become rebellion, guilt, filth, perversion, corruption. Indeed, Jesus could not have become any of those things and remained the Spotless Lamb of God Who takes away the sin of the world.
I realize that some folks will not grasp or accept this view (which view is also held by many reputable Christians and Biblical scholars). You may choose to believe that Jesus became rape, pedophilia, bestiality and every other sinful act or thought. I DO NOT. And I don't have to throw away my Bible in order to hold to the unchanging holiness of Christ. It is Biblical to say that Jesus became the SIN SACRIFICE.
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