Wednesday, August 12, 2020



Here are a few essential Bible truths I have preached for the past half century, which are often rejected by popular Christianity. I have posted some of this before, but I thought this was a good time to remind folks to trust and obey God.

Here are just a few TRUTHS I PREACH, which are seldom heard in modern pulpits. I can elaborate, but I just wanted to mention some major truths that are either being ignored or attacked in modern pulpits.

God's word, the Holy Bible (especially the New Testament), is the final authority in faith and practice.

God saves believers from sin and from sinning.
God cleanses believers from all sin, including the sin nature.

God either separates us from sin or sin separates us from God.
When a Christian turns back to sin, he has turned from faith and from God, and therefore he is lost, needing to be renewed in his salvation and his relationship with God.

God's order of authority in the home and in the church is still male leadership.
Pastors are loving shepherds, who lead their sheep, and will give account for the sheep they lead.

New Testament Christians do not take the sword of steel against anyone, ever.
Christians must obey God, rather than man (even when "man" is the State).
The State is required to obey God.

There is only One Lord of the Church, and that is Jesus. There is no higher authority than God. Christians obey the laws of the land, until they contradict or are in conflict with the rule of God. We must obey God rather than men.

I mention this because it is essential that believers learn the truth of God's word, rather than the ideas of men. We are heading into the eye of the storm, and only those who are holding fast to the truth of God will survive the enemies onslaught.

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